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Jolanta Kowal

Jolanta Kowal, pHd. of economic sciences, certified Jungian analyst, a tutor and researcher at the Institute of Psychology of Wroclaw University. She is a President of PLAIS (Polish Chapter of Association for Information Systems) and President of PTPA (Polish Association of Analytical Psychology), Individual member of IAAP, a member of scientific associations AIS, PTS and PTPA accredited by IAAP. A researcher and lecturer, Jolanta is the author of over 100 scientific publications and delivers lectures and seminars on methodology of management, applied statistics in socio-economic, psychological and multicultural research. Her interests and research specializations are: organization and management, information technology in organization, methodology, quantitative and qualitative research, analytical psychology, cross-cultural research. Jolanta acted as the conference c0-chair and track-chair for many international conferences (ECMLG,  CMEP,  ICTM   AMCIS). She is also a member of editorial board of scientific journals: GRE and PJAP.
Dag Lindskog Dag Lindskog is a doctor in Economics from the University of Stockholm, Sweden. His dissertation is primarily about exchange rate policy, which is tested in econometric models of four of the Nordic countries. He has also published a book on the dollar as well as numerous debates in specialized and the general press. Furthermore, he was a member of the popular Swedish weekly radio program “The Economists’ Club” for twenty years. Dag has spent most of his working life in the financial sector in Stockholm, London and Luxembourg. He started his career with SwedBank, moved on to the Swedish insurance company Skandia as Chief Economist and ended with the Norwegian bank DNB. After retirement from DNB, he continues his work as an economist with his own consulting company.

Helena Lindskog

Adjunct professor in industrial marketing and industrial economy with a special focus on public procurement at Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden.
Engineer on electronics from Technical University in Warsaw, Bachelor of Arts in languages, comparative religion, history and literature from Stockholm University; long experience from both private (responsible for market introductions and training at Ericsson, as adviser, expert and consultant at HelDag AB) and public sectors (technical director and secretary in governmental commissions), PhD in Technology at Linköping Technical University.
Author of several scientific articles, reports, technical specifications, debates and columns in the Swedish press. Fluent in Polish, Swedish, English, Spanish, Russian and French.

Ali Reza Afshari

Ali Reza Afshari is a professor at Islamic Azad University in Iran, and a visiting lecturer in State universities in Iran. He holds Ph.D. on Industrial Engineering (Project Management) from UPM University in Malaysia; long consulting experience   from   both   private and public sectors in Project Management. He has reviewed numerous scientific paper for Springer publisher.  He reviewed also papers for more than 10 scientific publishers. His research interests include Fuzzy linguistic decision making, Personnel selection, Delphi method, Project management, and ICT management. He has published in more than 30 journals and conferences including: Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (IOS), Arab Journal of Science and Engineering (Springer), Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering, Journal pf Applied Science & Agriculture, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Springer), Journal of Applied Mathematics (Hindawi), among many other journals, as well as in numerous conference proceedings such as IEOM, EMC, and IEEE.

Yasmeen Ahmed

Yasmeen Ahmed- I have completed by Masters in Business Administration and currently a Phd Candidate in the field of Organization and Management in the faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Erciyes University. I am a six sigma certified professional, ITIL (Information Technology and Infrastructure Library) certified professional and Microsoft Certified professional (MCP). Member of Strategic management Commission at the faculty. I have also presented studies on employee psychology at organizations. My Scientific interests are focused on Organizational Behaviour, Strategic planning at Organizations, Human Resource Management.

Samaneh Hooshyar

Samaneh Hooshyar
She holds a Master of Clinical Psychology. She worked four years as a psychologist in Ebne sina mental hospital, nutrition clinic, and in a drug rehabilitation clinic, and she have been working in cancer center in Razavi Hospital four two years.  She has been working Group therapy and family therapy with addicts and obese people.  And at the moment she working with individual counseling and group therapy, family therapy and art therapy with cancer patients. I have published several articles in various magazines.

Lidia Barłoga

Lidia Barłoga - student of the third year of Management at the Management Faculty at the University of Lodz with specializaton in „Enterprise and Management Innovations”. Founder and President of Students Scientific Associations FEIM. Project coordinator, the author of publications, production manager of students videos and Ambassador of Citi Group on University of Lodz. A person with a very wide range of interests.

Małgorzata  Biedroń

M. Biedroń is an author of 4 monographs in the field of interpersonal communication and social pedagogy (Tutelary function of the urban family, Theoretical and practical aspects of contemporary tutorial pedagogy (co-ed.), Communication- accord- social presence (co-ed.), The experience of post-modernism in intimate family relationships (co-author) and more than 40 articles in scientific journals (national and foreign) and chapters in peer-reviewed publications. Editor of 19 consecutive edition of "Handbook of publications in the field of social pedagogy". Member of  Program Council of  quarterly “Auxillium Sociale Novum”

Марія Вовк

Was born in Lvov area.
Education:Drogobichchsky State Pedagogical University named I.Franko (2004);
National Pedagogical University named M.P.Dragomanova,Institute of Sociology,Psychology and Management,Graduate (2009),
dissertation topic "Psychological consequences of exeperiences of frustration situations in adolescence",(19.00.07-pedagogical and age psychology).
Over 8 years of experience in teaching activities.

Bartłomiej Gawin

Dr inż. Bartlomiej Gawin – Pracownik dydaktyczno-naukowy w Katedrze Informatyki Ekonomicznej Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Dyrektor Działu IT w firmie SESCOM S.A. Zajmuje się: problematyką zastosowań współczesnych technik oraz narzędzi do projektowania, symulacji i analizy procesów biznesowych i systemów informatycznych, a także efektywnością energetyczną i analityką BI. Autor publikacji naukowych i publicystycznych w języku polskim i angielskim. Autor książki „Systemy informatyczne w zarządzaniu procesami workflow” (PWN 2015), współautor książki „Symulacja procesów biznesowych. Standardy BPMS i BPMN w praktyce” (HELION 2013).

Tanya Gibbs

Tanya Gibbs is a former instructor of Finance at the American University of Sharjah’s School of Business Administration, where she also developed and taught a course on financial crime. In May 2017 she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in advanced legal studies at the University of London. Her PhD research focused on assessing the effectiveness of Anti Money Laundering/Counter Financing of Terrorism efforts in the United Arab Emirates. Gibbs has multidisciplinary research interests, focusing on Russia and the United Arab Emirates.

Saikat Gochhait

11 years of experience with 5 years of teaching experience and 6 years of industrial experience with Tata Group(TRL Krosaki Ref Ltd) and Bajoria Group(IFGL Ref Ltd). Bsc(Physics), PGDCA, MSc-IT, MBA with specialization in Marketing and Ph.d-International Business from Sambalpur University. He has been awarded Doctorial Bursary Award 2010 from Coventry University, UK for the doctoral thesis-Refractory Industries. He has been awarded with Diamond of Belpahar-2013 sponscered by Tata Krosaki Refractories community for excellence as an individual and contribution to the society. He has been awarded with MTC Global award for Best Faculty in Rural Area. Mr.Saikat has contributed extensively in National and International Journals and Conferences and has chaired session in different International and National conference such as IIM-K,IIM-L,IMS-Noida, IMT, XIM-B and Amity University-Jaipur. Phd Thesis has been published in Book printed form by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, AG & Co KG, 2012 available on (www.ebay.com › Books › Nonfiction ).

Lobna Hassant

Lobna Hassan is an Information Systems researcher and PhD candidate at Hanken school of Economics, doing experimental research on gamification design and its influence on employee performance, and two-way government-citizens communications. Her interests also extend to motivational systems, and social networking applications: http://lobnahassan.com

Agnieszka Janik


M.A.: Education at University of Wroclaw, PhD Candidate in pedagogy field at University of Wroclaw, preschool teacher, vice-president of Critical Education Association. The author of publications on cultural education, social education, preschool education and early childhood. Member of the international movement of critical pedagogy Discourse Power Resistance (United Kingdom). Coordinator and participant in national and international research projects. Social activists with many action on nonformal education and community participation. Research interests: children's play spaces, non-formal education, critical pedagogy.

Piotr Jarco

dr Piotr Jarco – Worker of Higher School of Management „Edukacja” in Wrocław. Doctor of Economics specialized in social policy (graduated in Sociology and Economics). His scientific interests are focused on psychological and socio-economic determinants of activity (inactivity) in society. Lecturer of Sociology, Management of Human Resources as well as  Work and Organizational Psychology. Author of more then 30 publications, coordinator of research and implementing projects in scope of social policy and sociology.

Olga A. Kalchenko

Olga A. Kalchenko is currently an associate professor and researcher at Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics. Olga has also studied in Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland and Northern Institute of Technology Management, Germany. Her research interests are: human capital, innovative projects  effectiveness and efficiency evaluation, sustainable development, economic safety. As a researcher and lecturer, Olga is the author of over 12 refereed scientific journal articles, 2  scientific books (monographs) and tutorials. She chaired a session at the 2014 International Congress on Economy, Finance and Business, Japan.

Jawameer Kakakhan

Jawameer Kakakhan born in 1980, raised and lives in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
My undergraduate is in Electrical Engineering. My master’s degree is in Business Administration from University of Picardie- Jules Verne, Amiens- France. Following my MSc I entered a PhD program at Krakow University of Economic, Krakow- Poland, where the focus has been on management information system.
I have more than 13 years of working experience, nine of which spent in the Iraq during and post-conflict environments working on, emergencies, relief, recovery, and development issues. Worked with  World Health Organization (WHO) and Information Management and Mine Action Programs (iMMAP), in several countries around the world, including DR Congo, Kenya, Pakistan, Armenia, Jordan.
I have worked in global health and disease mitigation. Much of that work has involved spatial analysis, using GIS, as a tool for the identification of disease states and programs for their control. In brief some of my recent achievements includes, but not limited to, establishment of disease Early Warning System in Iraq, after which the same model was transferred and replicated for Libyan Ministry of Health. I have developed and piloted a real-time data transmission model for Polio campaign monitoring in Iraq for the first time, using Survey123 for ArcGIS. I have also used ODK and mobile data collection for Health Resource Availability Mapping (HeRAMS) during the recent crises in Iraq. I have used GIS and Spatial analyst to identify the optimum location for the mobile clinics and hospital in response to the IDP flow.

Joanna Kasza

Joanna Kasza  - absolwentka SGH na kierunkach  : MBA ( Master of Business Administration ) i  Zarządzania i Marketingu, oraz Podyplomowych Studiów : „Zarządzania w kulturze” Instytutu Kultury przy Uniwersytecie  A. Mickiewicza  w Poznaniu ;  „Dyplomacji  kulturalnej”  Collegium Civitas we współpracy z Instytutem Adama  Mickiewicza, oraz  Interdyscyplinarnych Studiów „Sztuka, przestrzeń publiczna, demokracja” SWPS we współpracy z  Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej. Aktualnie doktorantka Instytutu Kultury UJ w trakcie pracy doktorskiej na temat przemian w obiegach kultury w ponowoczesnej gospodarce w związku dokonująca się obecnie rewolucji ICT
Zainteresowania : relacje między kulturą  i sztuką a gospodarką,  czy w szerszym ujęciu między ekonomią, polityką  a społecznym i technologicznym wymiarem i rezultatem tych relacji (podejście konstruktywistyczne przy założeniach : anty-redukcjonizmu i artykulacji relacji miedzy kulturą a ekonomią polityczną - w kontekście współczesnych pytań o relacje miedzy kulturą a ideologią, hegemonią i władzą oraz polityką/ politycznością

Alicja Keplinger

Dr Alicja Keplinger is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Psychology of Wroclaw University. She is a member of Polish Association of Organizational Psychology and a board member of Lower Silesian Branch of the "National Forum for Lifelong Guidance" Association. Between 2008 and 2012 she held position of Vice Director of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Wroclaw.
Alicja is the author of over 50 scientific publications (published among others in University of Wroclaw and ENETEIA) and delivers lectures and seminars on psychology of management, psychology of motivation and psychology of individual differences. She reviewed papers for ECMLG PROCEEDINGS 2010-2012 (ACI, Reading, UK) and Developmental Psychology 2012 (Poland) among many others.
Her interests and research specializations are: organization and management, psychology of motivation, psychology of individual differences and ethos of behavioural problems in organization.
Alicja acted as the conference chair for the 3rd, 4th and 5th Interdisciplinary Scientific Conferences "Man against mass social phenomena" hosted at the Univeristy of Wroclaw, Poland. The topics included: "Faces of passivity" 11-12 June 2007, "Femininity and masculinity - contexts (not) daily," 19-20 May 2008 , "Transgressions, innovation and creativity" 18-19 May 2009.

Jarosław Klebaniuk

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Wroclaw,a journalist, novelist, editor of the quarterly "Social Psychology". He conducts research in the field of political psychology. He advocates greater social equality. He  writes about psychology, politics, books, films and theater productions. He published several scientific articles, authored five books, among others: "The phenomenon of social inequality" and "Faces of inequality." He is the editor of the journal "Social Psychology" and Lewica.pl portal. His pieces of writing  appeared in such magazines as  "Accent", "Frazier", "Borderland" and "Lamp".

Marta Kondracka-Szala

Dr Marta Kondracka-Szala - researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Pedagogy of Wroclaw University (Poland), preschool teacher with musical education (vocalism). Her scientific interests are focused on pre-school and primary education and its problems, musical education and entrepreneurship as one of key competences needed in the future life. Author of more then 20 publications, coordinator of research and implementing innovations in childrens education in Wroclaw.

Aleksandr Kozlov

Aleksandr Kozlov, date of birth: 1955.07.25, Doctor of Science (Ec.), Professor
Professor of International Graduate School of Management, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (since 2016). Professor of University of Economy in Bydgoszcz (since 2009)
2012-2016 Head of Department “World and Regional Economy” of Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University,
2006–2012 Professor of Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University,
1989–2006   Director for Training and Research Programs of Center for Management and Marketing “Progress” under Government of Russian Federation,
1980–1989 Assistant, Associate professor, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University

Anna Kuzio

M.A.: studied English at Wrocław University, Ph.D. studied English at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Research interests: intercultural communication, critical discourse analysis, pragmatics, rhetoric, persuasion and manipulation. Assistant Professor at WSZ EDUKACJA in Wrocław (Poland).

Mieczysław K. Leniartek

Dr Mieczysław K. Leniartek
Mieczysław is an architect and a town planner, a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture in the Technical University in Cracow, Poland (MA 1970). He has practiced in Poland, England and Australia, completed a doctoral dissertation in the Technical University in Cracow on the revitalization of historic small towns (PhD 2003). He has been a manager of a regional studies bureau in Lower Silesia and a technical director in a development company in Cracow. He has been a chairman of several international conferences on cultural tourism and an editor of publications in this field ("Commercialism of Cultural Tourism", "Exploration of Historic Environment", "Terra Incognita in Tourism"). He lectured in the Faculty of Tourism of the College of Management "Edukacja" in Wrocław, Poland, in the subject of development for hospitality, and holded a position of a dean.

Bianka Lewandowska

Bianka lewandowska - PhD with a specialization in psychology. She graduated from the Institute of Psychology at the University of Wroclaw. In the years: 1993 - 2003 Bianka worked at the Institute of Economic and Social Sciences University of Technology, and since October 2003, in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Institute of Psychology at the University of Wroclaw. Her professional activities outside the university: to design and conduct workshops and individual counseling psychology in supporting personal development and communication. Current area of her research interest is psychology of the body - the experience of corporeality, identity processes and emotions and somatic health, the possibility of psychological support prevention and treatment of diseases. Research: Determinants of psychological adaptation to chronic illness for example endometriosis.

Marek Lewandowski

Marek Lewandowski - A graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Wroclaw, specializing in teaching.
In the 1986-2012 academic teacher at the Academy of Physical Education in Wroclaw. The College of Management in Wroclaw industry since 2012, author of over 70 scientific peer-reviewed publications, including two books, editor of nine monographs. He has research and teaching internships at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst "Mozarteum" Abteilung Orff Institute in Salzburg, Austria, Deutsche Sporthochschule - Institut für Sportdidaktik in Cologne, Germany, the University of Olomouc - Czech Republic, Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw Academy of Physical Education in Gdansk.
Work experience: developing a theory of physical education in the context of the culture of health behavior, recreational and aesthetic man. Research activity is focused on the study of the role of the environment: the school and the family in the child's acquisition of cultural competence and psychomotor.
Interests: listening to music, collecting records, drawing and painting, hiking.

Olexandra Loshenko


My name is Loshenko Olexandra. I was born in the city Vinnitsa, that on Ukraine. I got higher education in the walls of the Kiev National University of Taras Shevchenko. In 2012, I finished postgraduate study at the same university and got the degree of candidate of psychological sciences. My scientific interests lie in the area of study of the emotional potential of personality, emotional self-knowledge and spiritual development.

Zbigniew Łoś

Zbigniew Łoś – psychologist, PhD in human sciences, works in Institute of Psychology , Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Wrocław.
He has developed his own theory assuming that the psychological organisation of human beings consists of four evolutionarily shaped functional layers which may be subject to progressive development throughout four periods of human life. He is engaged in research aiming to falsify this theory. His main publication is “Rozwój psychiczny człowieka w ciągu całego życia” [Life-long psychological development of human beings] (2010, a monograph).
He developed (with Alicja Senejko) theoretical model of attitudes to globalization (MAG). She is a coauthor (with A. Senejko) The World and I Questionnaire (WIQ), which is a measure of this attitudes.

Maria Mach-Król

Maria Mach-Król is the associate professor in the Dept. of Business Informatics at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. She received her MS degree in cybernetics from the University of Lodz, Poland in 1993, and her PhD degree in information systems for management from the same University in 1998.  
Since 2008 she has been working at the position of associate professor at the University of Economics in Wroclaw, Poland, and then at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland.
She is the author and co-author of more than 50 journal and peer-reviewed papers, three books, and has written several book chapters. Her current research interests include artificial intelligence, big data and knowledge-based systems. She is the member of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society and of the Business Informatics Scientific Society – NTIE (Naukowe Towarzystwo Informatyki Ekonomicznej).

Juho Maekioe

Prof. Dr. Juho Mäkiö joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics at the University of Applied Sciences Emden-Leer and became Full Professor of programming in 2013. He received the Doctor degree in Economics from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, in 2006. From 2006 to 2010 he was first project manager (till 2007) and then department director (2007-2010) in the department of Software Engineering at the research centre of information technology at the University of Karlsruhe (FZI). From 2010 to 2012 he was deputy professor for software engineering and programming in the University Heilbronn at the department of e-Business. From fall 2012 to summer 2013 he was lecturer at the Technical Teacher Collage (TTC), Riadh, KSA. Besides the current position at the University of Applied Sciences Emden-Leer, he is visiting professor at the Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg, Russia. Prof. Mäkiö has participated in leading position in German research projects, e.g. as coordinator of the project "OUTSHORE"

Janusz Martan

Janusz Martan was born 1 April 1950. in Wroclaw. In 1973 he completed a degree in electronics at the Technical University of Wroclaw. In 1977 he received his PhD ("Investigation of ion extraction conditions on the parameters of ion beam."). In 1997, obtained post-doctoral degree ("Modeling of the concentration distribution of implanted ions in solid-state"). In 2004, transfers from the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics to the Department of Computer Science and Management. Since 2005, the exercises the function of the vice-dean.. His research covers the field of the production of molding and applications of ion beams, ion implantation and fractal calculus applications in various fields of science and knowledge.

Anna Mitręga

Anna Mitrega,  Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Area of study: Elementary School Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy and Communication, Pedagogy of Family, Life - coaching.
1999 - University of Wroclaw - PhD degree with specialty in Pedagogy, since 01.10.2004 – assistant professor of Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw.
Participation in research: own R&D work  – issue Chances and Threats of Educational Function Accomplishment within Postmodern Family. The research includes: parents’ narratives and also educational-classes meetings carried on within Academy of Parents framework.
Over thirty publications /also in English, German and Russian/

Anna Oleszkowicz

Anna Oleszkowicz (born in 1956), psychologist, professor at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Wroclaw. Her research interests focus on developmental issues of adolescence, adolescent rebellion, criteria and forms of adulthood. The author of numerous scientific and popular works in this field, including the monograph crisis youthful - the essence and process (1995), youthful rebellion. Conditions, forms, effects (2006), How to truancy (2010) co-author, psychology of adolescence. Developmental changes in the age of globalization (2013), co-author. Since 2008 he has been the Director of the Institute of Psychology. PhD 1989, habilitation in 2007.

Celina M. Olszak


Prof. Celina M. Olszak, Ph.D., D.Sc. is a professor of Management Information Systems at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. She is a dean of Faculty of Economics, a chair of the Department of Business Informatics as well as Deutsche Akademische Austausch  Dienst (DAAD) and Swiss Government scholarship holder. She visited and took different courses at the universities in Europe, USA, and Australian.  She has authored 15 books and over 300 academic journal articles. Her research focuses on decision support systems, knowledge management, management information systems,  business intelligence, big data, enterprise resource planning, innovations and IT-based organizational creativity. She is a member of Informing Science Institute in USA, the Pays du Groupe Vysegrad (PGV) Network, and the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Iaryna Onufriv

2011 – architect in Urban planning and architecture Department, City Council of Lviv
From 2012 - A doctorate student of Urban planning and urban design Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
From 2012 - Teacher assistant of Urban planning and urban design Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Study  field - Urban planning and Landscape architecture (Landscape and spatial organization of ski resorts in Carpathian mountains)

Krystyna Ostapiuk


Krystyna Ostapiuk Ph. D., is an associate professor at the Pedagogy Department of Wrocław University of Management 'Edukacja', Krakowska 54-42. She is a pegagogue, educationist,  therapeutist, and a licensed coach of 2nd rank of Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne (Polish Psychology Association) in Warsaw, as well as a business coach.

Wiesław Palczeski

PALCZEWSKI Wiesław Jan, dr inż.
ur. w 1952 r., żonaty, jedno dziecko.
Dziedzina nauki: nauki techniczne (mechanika, informatyka, głównie zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa w sieciach).
Studia: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie (1977).
Studia podyplomowe: Politechnika Wroclawska
(2008–2009) Wydział Informatyki i Zarządzania.
Doktorat: Politechnika Wrocławska (1985).
Przebieg pracy zawodowej:
W latach 1977–1996 pracownik naukowo-badawczy w Wojskowym Instytucie Techniki Inżynieryjnej we Wrocławiu. W ostatnich latach - kierownik zakładu. Od roku 1996 do chwili obecnej praca we własnej firmie grafiki komputerowej oraz wydawniczej. W latach 2000–2013 administrator systemów komputerowych w Zarządzie Infrastruktury. Podobna funkcja w AKE PIS SA od roku 2010. Od roku 2013 adiunkt w Wyższej Szkole Zarządzania Edukacja. Odznaczenia: medal „Za zasługi dla obronności kraju”: brązowy - 1978, srebrny - 1985, złoty - 2004 r.; medal „Siły Zbrojne w Służbie Ojczyzny”: brązowy - 1981, srebrny - 1986 r.; krzyż zasługi: srebrny - 1990, złoty - 1995 r.

Wojciech Piotrowicz

Research: Information Systems, Supply Chain Management,
Interests: Information Communication Technology, Performance Management, Sustainable Supply Chain, Management, and 11 more
Wojciech Piotrowicz  is a member of the Faculty of Management, University of Oxford, and a member of the Oxford Institute of Retail Management (OXIRM) at Saїd Business School. Wojciech is an expert on supply chain management, information technology and performance measurement, including sustainability-related indicators.
Wojciech is currently working on a major 18 month research project led by Richard Cuthbertson of OXIRM, on the evolution of multi-channel retailing. The project is examining how emerging information technologies can be utilised to encourage shoppers back to the high street against the backdrop of increasing online sales, decreasing footfall in store and increasing costs.  Instead of treating online and in-store purchases as two competing channels, the project is exploring how online solutions could be brought into stores to combine the advantages of both. Wojciech is examining the ways in which the physical shopping experience could be enhanced by the benefits generated by emerging technology, such as self-service kiosks and mobile applications used in-store.  Such a radical reconfiguring of retail will present challenges to retailers, who must simultaneously address back office support and supply-chain issues to service these innovations and exploit the opportunities of developing technology.

Ivana Poledňová

PhDr. Ivana Poledňová, CSc.
Research methods in psychology, Methodology of Psychology, Psychodiagnostics, Theories of Personality, Psychology of Motivation.
In the past eight years the project proposer is working on the Institute for Research on Children, Youth and Family. This institute is part of Psychology Department on the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University in Brno and its main interest is long-term research on children, youth and their families. Research institute is taking part on unique European project (coordinated by the Institute of Child Health University of Bristol, Great Britain)  called  ELSPAC (The European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood ).
The project proposer research activities within the Institute are focused on these areas:  vocational plans in adolescence in relation to the self-concept and achievement motivation, career development, cognitive development and professional training.  In the year 2009 she was the editor of monograph Sebepojetí dětí a dospívajících v kontextu školy (Self-concept of children and adolescents in the school context), Brno, MU.  Several years she cooperates in the research activities of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Wroclaw, Poland. One of the results of this cooperation is her contribution to the polish monograph on aggression Zachowania agresywne dzieci i młodzieży  (Aggressive behavior in children and youth), Warsaw, Difin 2013.. As the author of several psychodiagnostic methods she cooperates long term with the Psychodiagnostika Brno publishing.

Kamil Romani

Kamil Roman: PhD student at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
In my research work, Im  interested in issues related to  logistics problem  and urban development according to the Smart City concept.

Narcyz Roztocki

Narcyz Roztocki is Professor of Management Information Systems at the State University of New York at New Paltz. His research interests include IS/IT investment evaluation, IS/IT productivity, IS/IT investments in emerging economies, technology project management, and e-commerce. He has published in numerous journals and conferences including: the European Journal of Information Systems, the Journal of Computer Information Systems, the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, International Journal of Service Technology and Management, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Journal of Information Science & Technology, and proceedings of the AMCIS, DSI, ECIS, ECITE and HICSS.

Ariane-Tabea Schueller

Ariane-Tabea Schueller is a scientific employee at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald (Germany), where she teaches classes of economics and marketing. After pursuing a bachelor of science of business administration at the University of Marburg (Germany) she focuses as a researcher on topics of consumer behavior and social media.

Alicja Senejko

Alicja Senejko, dr hab. from Institute of Psychology, Wrocław University. Her scientific interests is focus on the two topics.1/Psychological defence and development. She is an author of the Function-action approach to defence activity. Her questionnaire PSPDQ( Psychic and Psychosocial Defences Questionnaire) diagnoses threats and defences among adolescents and adults; 2/ Psychology of globalization. She is a coauthor (with Zbigniew Łoś)  The Model of Attitudes toward globalization (Mag) and The World and I Questionnaire (WIQ), which is created to diagnose attitudes toward globalization.  Dr hab Alicja Senejko is an author of 3 monographs, and 50st  articles. She is a member of PTP (Polish Psychological Association), European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), and International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD).

Gennadiy Shulha


Ph.D. in architecture, Kiev Civil Engineering Institute, 1990.
From 1990 – till now - Associate Professor of Urban planning and urban design Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
During 1983-2000 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
From 1983 – member of The Union of Architects of Ukraine.
From 2004 – Chief Architect of Design Bureau “ADB”.
From 2012 – A doctoral student, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
The main direction of scientific and design practice: urban planning, architectural design environment, design of public, residential buildings and mountain recreational facilities.
Author of more than 100 implemented projects of buildings and complexes, more than 50 scientific and methodical publications in national and international editions including textbooks.
Winner of the tenders - Habitat II (UIA, 1986), "Style-Perfection-Beauty" (NSAU, 2001), Krysztalowa Cegla (PTML, Polska, 2011), Grand Prix Festival of architecture (NSAU, 2012).
The main themes of research:
- Methods of planning of mountain recreational areas in the Carpathian mountains
- Trends in the design of public, residential buildings and houses.

Rafał Siedlecki

Rafał Siedlecki, PhD in Economics, assistant professor at the Financial Management Institute at the Wroclaw University of Economics. He teaches corporate finance, financial distress forecasting methods. His research is dealing with forecasting warning signals in companies and the use of the logistic law of growth to determining company's financial cycle of life  (as in the economy). In his research he use own forecasting models base on the modified S-curve (log-logistic function proposed by prof. Hellwig and linear-logistic function) and taxonomic methods. He is the author of book “Financial warning signals in company’s cycle of life” (in Polish). Warszawa C.H. Beck.

Petr Smutný

Petr Smutny was born in Czech Republic. He received the master degree in National Economy (MSc equivalent, 2001) and the Ph.D. in Management (2007) at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. He works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Corporate Economy and as a vice-dean of Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. His research focuses on competency models,
managerial skills and managerial simulation games.

Piotr Soja

Professor Piotr Soja is assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Cracow University of Economics (CUE), Poland. He holds a postdoctoral degree (habilitation) and Ph.D. in economics from CUE. He also holds an M.B.A. from the School of Entrepreneurship and Management at CUE in association with the University of Teeside, UK. He has over eight years of industry experience as an ERP consultant, system analyst and software developer. His research interests include enterprise systems adoption, ICT for development, and inter-organizational integration. Piotr has published in Enterprise Information Systems, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Information Systems Management, and Production Planning & Control, among many other journals, as well as in numerous conference proceedings such as AMCIS, HICCS, ICEIS, and ISD.

Ralph Sonntag

Ralph Sonntag is since 2004 Professor of Marketing, in particular multimedia marketing, at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden. In addition, he is scientific director of an incubator for start-ups at the HTW Dresden. After studying business administration in Würzburg, he worked as a researcher and project manager of the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Business Information Management and the Technical University of Dresden. Subsequently followed by positions at the consulting company Diebold (now Detecon) in the digital business as well as in communication and advertising agencies.
His work and research interests are in the study of Word of Mouth, E- and Social commerce, models of Digital Business, methods of media planning and advertising success research.

Zdenka Stránská

PhDr. Zdenka STRÁNSKÁ, Ph.D. works as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno. He teaches educational psychology, school psychology, didactics of psychology, psychology for teachers and general psychology. Her research has focused on the issue of motivation for learning, boredom, fear, anxiety and stage fright at school, learning styles of students, school success of pupils, students' creativity, teacher's personality, etc.

Evgeniia Surkova

Evgeniia Surkova
MSc of Agriculture (Saint Petersburg, Russia), currently student in the third year of Computer Sciences (BSc) and student of the Media Informatics in the first year (MSc) at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer (Germany). At the same time she is a local project manager at the STIMEY-Project which is funded by the European Financing Program Horizon 2020. The project aims to educate, engage and increase the youth’s interest in STEM education and careers by using E-Learning Platform.

Richard Sharp

Richard Sharp is a full-time teacher at the university of Zielona Góra, Poland. At the moment he is in the process of doing a PhD. His research interests include computer-assisted language learning (CALL), mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) and the impact of new technologies on the classroom and language acquisition process.

Alicja Szerląg

Alicja Szerląg – doctor, Professor; University of Wroclaw. Director of the Institute of Education at the University of Wrocław and head of the Department of Social Pedagogy.
An expert in the field of multiculturalism and interculturalism (education and intercultural communication). Author of numerous publications. She is an initiator and the director of many national, international and foreign scientific conferences on national minorities, ethnic and religious. She takes care of the work of research masters and PhD candidates, which relate to issues of multiculturalism and dialogue on cultural borderlands. She is also an animator of environmental activities for understanding, agreement and cooperation of different cultural backgrounds.

Jan Trąbka

Jan Trąbka is an assistant professor at the Cracow University of Economics and he holds a Ph.D. in Management from the same university. He works at the Department of Computer Science. His research interests include analysis and design of information systems (especially in the content management area), business process modeling, accounting systems and ERP systems. He is the author of several articles and conference papers (presented at: PoEM, SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium, KKIO, SWO, Computerworld Requirements Engineering). In his business life he has been involved in business analysis and pre-implementation requirement analysis (ERP, Workflow, ECM) projects. He has also managed several implementation projects. In the past he worked as a project manager for Asseco Group and for several years he managed projects in the sectors of logistics, medicine and IT. He is a member of the Association for Information and Image Management International and Polish Society for Information Systems Research (Naukowe Towarzystwa Informatyki Ekonomicznej).

Paweł Topol

Paweł Topol, Ph.D., associate professor, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, Faculty of Educational Studies – M.A. in English, Ph.D. in pedagogy, educator and researcher. Research interests: educational technology, teacher training, IT in education, CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning), e-learning and u-learning, 3D virtual worlds for education. Author: 2 books, 50+ articles, 11 reviews. Research and teaching experience: EFL (30+ years), IT and CALL (25+ years), e-learning (15+ years), 3D virtual worlds (6 years), online teacher at Appalachian State University, NC, USA (8 years).

Arkadiusz Urbanek

Arkadiusz Urbanek-  PhD in humanities, researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw. Graduate of post-graduate studies in community work and legal aspects of organizing social welfare. His academic interests are in the areas of intercultural communication, penitentiary pedagogy and the status of foreigners within judicial system. He is the author of four books and several scientific articles – contributions in journals. Co-foundered of the Wroclaw branch of Polish Penitentiary Association, members of the Polish Society of Mental Hygiene. Member of the editorial committee of “Zdrowie Psychiczne” journal.


prof., Dr Hab.  at the Institute of Pedagogy , Wrocław University in Wroclaw, (professor). Member of scientific associations Wrocław Scientific Society. Researcher and lecturer, the author of over 60 scientific publications. Research specialisation: social communications, mass media and education , public relations, social security. She is an organiser of many conferences. In 2006-2008 she participated in the research on the educational-professional mobility of incomplete-legal persons in the Lower Silesia. Diagnosis of the Support Instruments - project financed by the European Social Funds and in a research project Czech-German-Polish "Equal opportunities for women and men in the Euro-region Neisse-Nisa-Nysa" coordinated by the Internationales Begegnungszentrum St. Marienthal, PONTES-Agentur, St.. Marienthal 10, 02899 Ostritz, funded by the government of Germany- Bundestag.

Jarosław Wąsiński

Jarosław Wąsiński – Lecturer in the College of Management Edukacja; Doctor of economics; Alumnus of The Warsaw School of Economics, Auditor/ Lead Auditor ISO 9000 series QMS and ISO 27 001 (about 500 audits and expert opinions in UE); Trainer; Eleven years of experience in the implementation of management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 27 001, ISO 22 000, HACCP, BRC, IFS; Originator of technology projects in companies and industrial restructuring.

Heinz Roland Weistroffer

Heinz Roland Weistroffer is an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the School of Business at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, USA. His research interests include computer assisted decision-making, systems analysis and design, and information technology for development. He has published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Information Technology for Development, and Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, among many other journals, as well as in numerous conference proceedings such as AMCIS, HICCS, and ECIS. He is an associate editor of the journal Information Technology for Development.

Krystyna Węgłowska-Rzepa

Krystyna Węgłowska-Rzepa, PhD in psychology, an employee of the Institute of Psychology at the University of Wroclaw, a member of the Polish Association of Analytical Psychology and the trainee on Jungian analyst at the International Association for Analytical Psychology. Beyond scientific and didactic work at the Institute of Psychology UWr, runs a private psychotherapy practice. She participates in many national and international conferences and training related to psychology and the social sciences. Her interests and research focus on personality psychology, the influence of significant events and experiences for the development of individuals in the course of life, psychoanalysis and neuroscience. She has numerous publications, the last of them are (see Publications by University of Wroclaw):
- The "Symob" projective method and its possible applications in the labour market: the basis for the method's construction / Krystyna Węgłowska-Rzepa, Jolanta Kowal // W: Functioning in the workplace: quantitative and qualitative psychological research / ed. by Barbara Mróz. - Warszawa: SCHOLAR Publishing House, 2012;
- Femininity and masculinity in the course of social and mental changes / Krystyna Węgłowska-Rzepa, Jolanta Kowal, Aleksandra Szczepaniak // W: Ona w XXI wieku: interdyscyplinarny obraz kobiety / red. nauk. Magdalena Baranowska-Szczepańska. - Poznań: Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy MAIUSCULA, 2011;
- W poszukiwaniu swojego miejsca w życiu: spojrzenie z perspektywy narracyjnej i analitycznej / Krystyna Węgłowska-Rzepa // W: Psychologia narracyjna: tożsamość, dialogowość, pogranicza / red. nauk. Elżbieta Dryll, Anna Cierpka. - Warszawa: Eneteia - Wydaw. Psychologii i Kultury, 2011. - (Seria Akademicka).

Stanisław Wrycza

Professor Stanisław Wrycza, University of Gdansk
Founding member of AIS – 1995;
He has been the organizer of the following AIS events:
• Xth European Conference on Information Systems – ECIS 2002
• SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposia - 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Professor Wrycza is together with the former AIS President
Professor Claudia Loebbecke co-founder of PLAIS in 2006;
Head of Department of Business Informatics at University of Gdansk;
Senior Editor of Information Systems Management Journal (IF=0.35);
Editorial Review Board of Journal of Database Management (IF=2.121);
Advisory Board of Information Systems Journal (IF=1.381);
Editorial Board of Information Systems and e-Business Management (IF=0.605);
President of PLAIS - Polish Chapter of Association for Information Systems;
General Chair of SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium;
Steering Committee of BIR - International Conference on Business Informatics Research;
ISAHI (Information Systems Academic Heads International) Vice President 2008 – 2010;
University of Gdansk AIS Student Chapter Faculty Advisor;
Honourable Ambassador of Polish Congresses;
President of PLAIS – Polish Chapter of Association for Information Systems;
General Chair of ECIS’2002 – The Xth European Conference on Information Systems in Gdańsk;
General Chair of SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium.

Krystyna Węgłowska-Rzepa

Krystyna Węgłowska-Rzepa PhD, psycholog, certyfikowany analityk Jungowski, pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny w Instytucie Psychologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, członek International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) i Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologii Analitycznej (PTPA). Działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna skupiona wokół zagadnień psychologii osobowości i psychologii analitycznej C.G. Junga. Działalność praktyczna związana jest z prowadzeniem psychoterapii i analizy Jungowskiej oraz szkoleń treningowych w ramach PTPA. Autorka licznych naukowych publikacji, organizatorka i uczestniczka wielu międzynarodowych i krajowych konferencji, także członek komitetów naukowych i organizacyjnych konferencji, m.in. ICTM. W latach 1999-2005 wicedyrektor Instytutu Psychologii UWr, w latach 2002-2010 prezes Stowarzyszenia Psychoedukacji i Terapii EVOLUTIO, a w latach 2005-2012 wiceprezes i prezes PTPA.  
Krystyna Wegłowska-Rzepa PhD of psychology, a certified Jungian analyst, a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Psychology of Wroclaw University. She is an Individual Member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) and the Polish Association of Analytical Psychology (PTPA). Her scientific-educational activity is centered on the issues of personality psychology and analytical psychology of CG Jung. Her practical activity is related to the conduct of psychotherapy and Jungian analysis, and training courses within the PTPA. She is the author of numerous scientific publications, organizer and participant of many international and national conferences, also a member of the scientific and organizing committees of different conferences, including ICTM. She was a deputy director of the Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw in 1999-2005, a president of the Association for Psychoeducation and Therapy EVOLUTIO in 2002-2010, and the vice president and also president of PTPA in 2005-2012.

Aleksander Wolski

Aleksander Wolski
Doktor nauk społecznych w zakresie socjologii, długoletni wykładowca, promotor. Autor artykułów z zakresu socjologii (społeczności lokalnych, komunikacji społecznej i konsultacji społecznych). W obszarze działalności akademickiej zajmował stanowiska: kierownika ośrodka zamiejscowego, pełnomocnika dziekana, pełnomocnika rektora. Aktualnie Dziekan Wydziału Zamiejscowego GWSH w Żorach. Wykonuje analizy społeczne dla przemysłu energetycznego i wydobywczego. Praktyk z zakresu rozwoju osobistego. Zaangażowany w pracę z osobami uzależnionymi od alkoholu. W charakterze eksperta uczestnik audycji radiowych i telewizyjnych. Swoje zainteresowania zawodowe w zakresie socjologii łączy z osiągnięciami filozofii taoistycznej, rozwojem duchowym oraz fizyką kwantową.

Monika Woźniak

Monika Woźniak
University of Gdańsk
Researcher – PhD assistant professor in the Department of Business Informatics, Faculty of Management
In the current research work focuses on contemporary requirements and expectations of the IT sector, lead the way to transform the IT industry, the critical success factors of projects and the competencies and efficiency of PM.
The author of numerous articles and monographs domestic and foreign, as well as expert, consultant, trainer in the area of innovation in project management.
She is passionate about teamwork preferring an interdisciplinary approach, combining knowledge from different fields with industry practice and personalized approach based tutoring.
Vice President of the Foundation Science in Development, founder the University of Gdansk Tutors Centre, a member of the International Project Management Association (IPMA), Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), practices Process Oriented Psychology (Process Work).

Maria Jolanta Zajączkowska

Doktor nauk humanistycznych, wykładowca na uczelniach wyższych, specjalistka w zakresie teorii i praktyki komunikacji społecznej, negocjacji i mediacji, organizacji kształcenia i doskonalenia oraz zarządzania w oświacie, autorka wielu programów szkoleniowych i publikacji. Trenerka umiejętności społecznych indywidualnych i grupowych, posiadająca bardzo duże doświadczenie zawodowe, szkoleniowe i praktyczne. Absolwentka Helsińskiej Szkoły Praw Człowieka oraz kursów dla trenerów negocjacji i mediacji prowadzonych przez Conflict Resolution Research and Resources Institute w Tacoma, USA, Centrum Mediacji „Partners” w Warszawie, NLP w biznesie, Treningu Zastępowania Agresji, Praw człowieka i antydyskryminacji, Gender Mainstreaming, kursów rozwoju osobowości i coachingu.
Czynna mediatorka sądowa (od 2006 do 2014 roku przeprowadziła ponad 100 mediacji). Założycielka Stowarzyszenia Centrum Mediacji TRIALOG w Legnicy. Ekspert w zakresie mediacji. Doradca - coach w zakresie rozwoju osobistego.