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ICTM 2017 Conference Programme
23 October 2017
09:00 Hotel Hall: Q Hotel Wrocław Plus earlier Hotel Best Western: ul. Zaolziańska 2, 53-334 Wrocław
Wrocław, http://qhotelwroclaw.pl/
Registration and refreshments
10:00  Welcome from the Conference Chairs
Keynote address  ID 

Juho Mäkiö: Social and Economic Aspects of Internet of Things

University of Applied Sciences Emden Leer, Germany 39

Ella Kolkowska and Ewa Soja:  Attitudes towards ICT solutions for independent living among older adults in Sweden and Poland: A preliminary study

Orebro University Business School; Sweden, Cracow University of Economics, Poland 18

Göbel Gunther and Ralph Sonntag: Experiences and acceptance of immersive learning arrangements in higher education

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, Germany 28
11:45 Discussion
11:55 Refreshments
Poster contributors will stand by their posters to discuss their research
Keynote address  ID
12:10 Celina Olszak: Big data driven strategy in organizations Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny  w Katowicach, Poland 7
Session: Innovative ICT Economies
Session Co-Chairs: Ralph Sonntag and Ella Kolkowska
12:40 Joseph Gibbs: Business Reporting and Regulation: A Middle East Example American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates 4
13:00 Tanya Gibbs: Seeking Economic Cybersecurity University of London, UK 11
13:20 Ariane-Tabea Schüller: The effectiveness of product placements in traditional media and feasible transfers onto social media Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald, Germany 5
13:40 Discussion
13:50 Lunch
Restaurant on the first floor
 Session: ICT Innovation in Management
Session Co-Chairs: Piotr Soja and Juho Mäkiö
15:00 Maria Mach-Król: Big Data analytics in Polish companies – selected research results University of Economics, Katowice, Poland 1
15:20 Aleksandr Kozlov, Alina Kankovskaya and Olga Miroliubova: Digital skills in formation of professional competences of students studying Economics Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia 2
15:40 Anna Boratyńska-Sala: Innovative training of technical students by TRIZ method Politechnika Krakowska/ Instytut Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji Produkcji , Poland 31
16:00 Monika Woźniak: An innovative customer-oriented approach to IT projects, based on TRIZ method University of Gdańsk, Poland 36
16:20 Discussion
Session: Psycho-social, economic and educational aspects of ICT innovation
Session Co-Chairs: Anna Jasińska-Biliczak and Joseph Gibbs
16:30 Anna Jasińska-Biliczak: Customer – The Unsung Source of Enterprise Innovation The Opole University of Technology, Poland 14
16:50 Ilona Winiarczyk: Increasing of innovation’s potential of the companies by human resources’ development in the international corporation Tower Automotive Polska Sp. z o.o. 15
17:10 Kamil Roman: Management in Polish cities according to smart city concept- Analysis of survey results UMCS, Poland 33
17:30 Jolanta Kowal and Alicja Keplinger: Leadership and Life Satisfaction among Polish IT Professionals. An Exploratory Study University of Wrocław, Institute of Psychology, Poland  41
17:50 Discussion
Close of the Conference Day
Led by the Conference Co-Chairs
Review of topics covered in the conference
20:00 ICTM 2017 Conference Dinner, Restaurant „Pod Gryfami”, Street: Rynek 2, 50-106 Wrocław  


ICTM 2017 Conference Programme
24 October 2017
9:00 Hotel Hall: Hotel Best Western: ul. Zaolziańska 2, 53-334 Wrocław, http://qhotelwroclaw.pl/
Registration and refreshments
Keynote address  ID 
9:30 Piotr Soja: Towards Better Understanding of ICT Acceptance by Older Workers: Learning from Polish Enterprise System Practitioners Cracow University of Economics, , Poland  13
10:00 Elena Mäkiö-Marusik, Juho Mäkiö and Jolanta Kowal: On Education of Cyber Physical Systems Engineering University of Applied Sciences Emden Leer,  Germany, University of Wrocław, Institute of Psychology, , Poland 24
Session: Modern Facility Management
Session Co-Chairs: Ella Kolkowska, Monika Woźniak  and Piotr Soja
10:30 Janusz Stal and Grażyna Paliwoda-Pękosz: Towards Integration of Mobile Technology and Knowledge Management in Organisation: A Preliminary Study  Cracow University of Economics, , Poland 29
10:50 Bartłomiej Gawin and Bartosz: MarcinkowskiFrom Service-Driven to Data-Driven: Study Design for Modern Facility Management University of Gdańsk, Poland 17
11:10 Bartosz Marcinkowski and Bartłomiej Gawin: Business Intelligence Competency Center – Establishing the Assets behind Delivering Analytic Business Value University of Gdańsk, Poland 12
11:30 Bogusław Śleziak: Innovations in Road Traffic Regulations in Light of Safety Principles Sukcesor Company, Poland 42
11:50 Janusz Czerny, Katarzyna Rzepka: The Essential of Human Innovation The College of Management “Edukacja”, Poland  
12:10 Discussion
12:10 Refreshments
Poster contributors will stand by their posters to discuss their research
Session: Psycho-social, economic and educational aspects of ICT innovation
Session Co-Chairs: Joanna Kasza, Alicja Keplinger and Juho Mäkiö
12:40 Juho Mäkiö, Evgeniia Surkova and Tobias Meyer: Generic Modeling Language for E-Learning University of Applied Sciences Emden Leer, Germany 32
13:00 Halina Guła- Kubiszewska Professional competences and career planning by physical education teachers AWF we Wrocławiu, Poland 43
13:20 Lesław Koćwin: Alternative Economics. Information and Communication Techniques in Teaching Economics The College of Management “Edukacja”, Poland 40
13:40 Joanna Kasza: Impact of ICT upon new modalities of labour in digital economy: ‘race against the machines’? Jagiellonian Univeristy, Poland 38
13:50 Discussion  
14:00 Lunch
Restaurant on the first floor
Session: Psycho-social, economic and educational aspects of ICT innovation
Session Co-Chairs: Joanna Kasza, Jolanta Kowal and Richard Sharp
15:00 Yasmeen Sultana Ahmed, A Asuman Akdogan,: The effect of personality traits on dimensions of organizational silence Erciyes University, Turkey  8
15:20 Lukasz Stecko, Alicja Senejko and Renata Iwaniec: Technological and cultural demands and difficulties in adjustment to them among Polish young adults University of Wrocław, Institute of Psychology, Poland 34
15:40 Juho Mäkiö and Valeriia A. Zhgun: Towards Holistic Agile Teaching Approach for Economics University of Applied Sciences Emden Leer, Germany ; Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia 25
16:00 Anna Kuzio    Deception and Communication: Sender Perceptions of Discomfort and Detectability University of Zielona Góra, Poland 35
16:20 Monika Ziobrowska, Jolanta Kowal and Alicja Senejko: Model of decision-making participation among diverse age groups. MIS officer users of the Polish Army in the aspect of selected psychosocial factors. University of Wrocław, Institute of Psychology, Poland 37
16:40 Cristina Elena Turcu and Corneliu Octavian Turcu: Improving the quality of healthcare through Internet of Things  University of Suceava, Romania 16
17:00 Cristina Elena Turcu and Corneliu Octavian Turcu: Improving the quality of healthcare through Internet of Things  University of Suceava, Romania 16
17:20 Discussion  
17:30 Close of the Conference Day
Led by the Conference Co-Chairs
Review of topics covered in the conference
Social Event, Trip, Old Town  


ICTM 2017 Conference Programme
23-24 October, Conference Hall, during refreshment breaks

Session: Research in progress – poster and electronic session
Rafal Maciag: Discursive space as a tool for analyzing knowledge from the perspective of humanistic management Jagiellonian University, Poland 21
Saikat Gochhait: A Research project on reducing call drops : An Empirical National Investigation Symbiosis International University, India 10
Zdenka Stránská, Ivana Poledňová and Martina Keratová: Humanism and Creativity of Elementary School Teachers from School Focused on Digital Technologies  Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology; Czech Republic 19
Michal Kuciapski: Factors influencing the acceptance of mobile learning by employees University of Gdańsk, Poland 26
Zdenka Stránská, Ivana Poledňová and Michala Klasová: Learning Styles of University Students with Different Study Focus (poster) Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, Czech Republic 20
Jan Trąbka: A proposition for using Intelligent Content and ECM technology in Quality Management Systems– Design Science Research Methodology Cracow University of Economics, Poland 30
Anna Kuzio and Mirosława Wawrzak-Chodaczek: Intercultural communication as a key to successful integration  University of Zielona Góra, Poland; Univeristy of Wrocław, Poland 23
Anna Kuzio and Richard Sharp: The role of computer-mediated communication on shaping the process of negotiation and the concept of power and relationships in communication University of Zielona Góra, Poland; Univeristy of Zielona Góra, Poland 6
Jolanta Kowal, Anna Oleszkowicz,
 Maria Straś-Romanowska: Quality of life and satisfaction of work among IT users in Poland
University of Wroclaw,  The Institute of Psychology 45